Statutory Declaration
When creating a Home choice account you will need to confirm that you have read and understood our Privacy Policy and our Statutory Declaration, which is listed below.
Click here to view our Privacy Policy.
By agreeing to this declaration I/we declare that to the best of my/our knowledge the information given is true and correct and I/we understand that:
- If I/we have knowingly given false or misleading information, or withheld any relevant information now or at a subsequent date, this may result in my/our application being cancelled and I/we may lose any accommodation offered or subsequently occupied and could face prosecution and/or eviction.
- I/we authorise Tandridge District Council to make any enquiries necessary to verify my/our application under Part VI of the Housing Act 1996 and to approach any third party for information relating to my/our application.
- I/we authorise disclosure of any information to Tandridge District Council which may be relevant for the purpose of verifying or assisting my/our application.
- Tandridge District Council is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers and may use the information I/we have provided on this form, within this authority, for the prevention and detection of fraud (e.g. Housing Benefit, Council Tax). It may also share this information with other bodies administering public funds solely for these purposes.
- It is my/our responsibility to advise the Housing Needs Team about any changes in my/our situation which may affect our assessment for housing need and that if I/we fail to inform the relevant team of these changes it may result in the cancellation of my/our application without notice and/or the withdrawal of any offers of housing.
- Seeking to obtain accommodation by making a false or misleading statement or by withholding relevant information or by failing to inform the Council of any material change in circumstances, may result in cancellation of your application without notice and / or withdrawal of any offers of housing.
- Obtaining a tenancy by deception and / or attempted tenancy fraud, may result in legal action and / or the loss of your tenancy.